The health of your eyes plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and daily life.
Treating eye allergies is essential to banish discomfort, prevent chronic irritation and protect your vision. Untreated allergies can lead to redness, swelling and blurred vision.
As winter arrives, it’s tempting to think that shorter daylight hours and less intense sunlight mean you can take fewer precautions when it comes to protecting your vision.
It’s great to have choices, and when you come into our shop at The Eyeglass Shop, you’ll find the latest eyewear styles from top designers.
It takes a lot of effort for our eyes to see you through each day (pun intended!
Our reliance on digital devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets has made them indispensable in our day-to-day lives. It’s hard to imagine a day without them.
Ah, the pleasures of Autumn, with its crisp air and vibrant colors! Unfortunately, this endearing season also spawns a bevy of allergy and climate changes that can wreak havoc on our eyes!
Summer is a time to enjoy the outdoors, but it’s also a season when our eyes can be exposed to various potential hazards. Protecting your eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays is crucial.
Our vision is perhaps our most precious gift, providing us with a window to the world through which we can experience life to its fullest.
We all know how big a role our genes play in affecting our health, and that goes for our eyesight, as well.
Spring has arrived, and with it comes the blooming of flowers and the lure of the outdoors.
About 45 million American adults wear contact lenses; 93 percent of them choose soft contacts over hard contacts.
Your eyes are delicate orbs that transmit images to your brain, which lets you process what you see. Their precise and detailed mechanisms are what make them so fascinating.
Have you noticed that you’ve been squinting more than usual lately?
If your eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet, or if your tears don’t hang around long enough to keep your eyes moist, you’re not alone with this bothersome condition.
Autumn is the favorite time of year for so many of us. And why not?
Your eyes contain delicate and complicated parts. The pair you’re born with are supposed to last your whole life.
If you haven’t already had a stye, you’ve probably seen them on other people. Styes are sensitive, red, swollen bumps on the rim of your eyelids.
“The eyes are the window to the soul” is an often-quoted phrase that relates to our eyes providing clues about our true character.
There are many conceptions and misconceptions about the best ways to protect your eyesight and about the habits that are most harmful.
Many of us take our eyesight for granted, even though we rely on it to process and navigate the world around us.
Lots of people aren’t aware of all of the numerous ways that the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays can harm their eyesight.
Too many people whose use eye drops don’t realize that they’re making the wrong choice for their particular condition.
Rock star Elton John was a trailblazer back in the 1970s when it came to expressing himself with his outrageous eyewear.
If you associate eye cataracts as signs of “growing older,” you are correct. Maturing is the most prevalent cause.
Most people who take medications daily don’t realize that some of those drugs’ side effects include dry eye. Moisture is crucial for your eyes to function well.
When something unwanted shows up in your peepers—an eyelash, dust, a fleck of dirt—they produce tears to flush it out.
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 45 million people in the U. S. wear contact lenses; two-thirds of them are female.
Your eyesight is precious, and your eyes are delicate. Those two facts alone are solid reasons to take excellent care of your vision.
If you didn’t possess depth perception, you wouldn’t be able to discern objects’ depths, widths and lengths. You couldn’t even perceive how far away something was.
About 160 million Americans of all ages wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct their vision.
You may be surprised to learn that one million Americans are legally blind.
Everyone loves a sunny day, and of course we all know the Sun’s rays help our bodies produce vitamin D, which is essential for our health.
Just as with the rest of your body, age affects your eyes. After you reach the four-decade mark, their natural internal lenses become less supple.
If you wear only one pair of eyeglasses all day every day, you may be missing out on the benefits of eyewear with specific intentions and advantages.
How much do you know about the pupils of your eyes?
Tears are often associated with our emotions. Tears can express joy, sadness, anger or surprise.
Eyeglasses are a part of your daily needs just as much as food and clothes. That’s why you want to get a pair whose lenses are perfect for your requirements.
Options for types of contact lenses have expanded considerably in the past decades. There was a time when plain hard and soft lenses were the only choices.
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 45 million people—from teens to senior citizens—in the U. S. wear contact lenses.
Schedule your appointment online or give us a call to get started today.